Forgotten Runiverse Land Mint Join the Whitelist Program Win Up To 1 ETH

 Hello Everyone,

Forgotten Runiverse is an entirely Blockchain Based Metaverse Gaming Project. As we know Metaverse is the future. Integrating with the Blockchain various gaming project are launching every day. Now it's time to win our land in the metaverse. 

Forgotten Runiverse offering us to get Land by joining their whitelisted program. 


1. EVM Wallet (Metamask, Coinbase, TallyHo, Trust Wallet, Token Pocket, Coin98)

2. Twitter Account.

3. Discord Account. 

4. Email address.

Create Account In PREMINT: 

PREMINT offers you the to join various NFTs project whitelisted programs. For Crypto Airdrop we get our reward directly in our wallet. But in the Case of NFTs we have Mint it. Valuable NFTs are not free at all. 

Creating an account in PREMINT is very Simple.

Step 1: 

In PREMINT You Can Create your Account by Using your Crypto Wallet and your Twitter account or Discord Account. Try to Create your Account by using your Metamask Wallet.

Step 2:
Connect your Metamask Wallet and Confirm the Sign in Message from your wallet Extension.

Step 3:
After Login via your wallet completes your profile. Input your Email address, and Connect your Twitter & Discord accounts.

You are all set to join Forgotten Runiverse Land Mint.

6. Submit Your Email Address 

7. Finally Click on Register.

You are all set. If you are lucky, you will be whitelisted and will able to Mint your Forgotten Runiverse Land. 

Don't Miss the Project. The project NFTs floor price is more than 1 $ETH (1600 USD)

Happy Earning. 

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